Contents in this article are taken from a test version and could be subject to change for the final version. When this happens, we will inform you.
Update 6.16 is available latest on Friday, January 3, 2025, around 11:00 UTC.
Added Item List

We added an info button next to the settings, taking you to your item list. Here you can view everything you currently have, including descriptions of what the items do and where to obtain them.
Items are spread out over 3 tabs and include Heirloom Badges, resolving Player Feedback mentioning there isn't an easy way to check this.
Starter Quests
We felt new players could get lost easily upon entering No Man's Land's world. Although there is a small tutorial, we want to reach out to new players by introducing a Starter Quest course, getting you up to speed with NML's various aspects.
How to unlock
Starter Quests unlock at Council Level 3 and are available for 30 days. You can enter the Starter Quests menu from the top-right corner in Camp. Starter Quests are only available to new players.
Tasks for rewards
Starter Quests are similar to Daily Quests; you complete tasks, unlock rewards for each task separately and accumulate Quest Points for additional rewards. Additional bonuses can be claimed on the top of the image above, next to the Quest Point amount, and are packed in reward chests. Hero Tokens are the best prize available.
One of the tasks included each day is 'Complete All Daily Quests', so the normal Daily Quests found in Camp > Trophy on the top-left gives you even more benefits during the Starter Quest period.
Seven-day quest system
Starter Quests are displayed through a seven-day quest system. New daily quests unlock according to calendar days (not login days). You can check out the tasks for upcoming days, but you cannot complete them until the day arrives. A countdown for each day is provided.
Speed-Up Token Optimization
When your hero needs recovery, and you want to speed things up, a new menu displaying your current Speed-Up Tokens is now available, making things easier than the scrolling you had to do before. Simply select the Speed-Up Tokens you want to use, and click 'Quick Use'.

The Speed-up Token part in the Toolbag has also been improved.
Doomsday Maps
A new Doomsday Challenge Mapset will start soon and is included in this update. We apologize for instantly missing our aim to refresh this every 2 weeks. We are also looking into your provided feedback regarding Doomsday Maps.
After-Mission Offer
We want to help players who frequently get stuck during specific missions. Therefore, we included an after-mission offer for those of you who unfortunately aren't able to progress anymore. Offers can vary per player.
Three-Day Rewards

Until Council Level 12, Three-Day Rewards is available continuously, to help new players that are interested to close the gap between early-game and mid-game. After Council Level 12, Three-Day Rewards will be available occasionally as one of our in-game events.
What is it?
Three-Day Rewards allow you to choose if you want to go for some additional rewards during a three-day period. Rewards can include Radios, Gold, and other frequently used items. Logging in each day is required to claim the rewards. The reset time for rewards is every 24 hours, and a reward window pops up automatically when you log in. You can click the 'do not show again today' button so it won't pop up for the next 24 hours.
Starting Level
Rewards are tied to your starting level when activating the Three-Day Rewards. This means, for example, that if you level up to Level 13 after activating Three-Day Rewards, the rewards will still be at Level 12 until the current Three-Day Rewards end.
Costs and claiming
You can get the Three-Day Rewards for $0.99, after which you can instantly claim the first reward. Logging in on the second day unlocks the second reward, and logging in on the third day unlocks the final reward.
Work in Progress: User Interface
We acknowledge that the User Interface in Camp has had its best time - there are plenty of examples to find where things have more oversight than No Man's Land's Camp does. Therefore, we are happy to announce that we are currently working on a brand-new User Interface. Once we have more information, we will let you know!
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed a display issue for Equipment Calls, where the Call in the left menu would shift away after scrolling.
- Fixed the bug where the game reloads when using Negan's Deal's undo feature after Magna attacks.
- Fixed the bug where Last Stand sessions result in a loop.
- Fixed the bug where Fighter Rosita's Leader Trait didn't work in several Season Missions.
- Fixed a bug where the PC version wouldn't go beyond 30 Frames Per Second. It's now 120 Frames Per Second.