Equipment rarity: Apocalypse
To improve the overall in-game balance and bring some freshness to the game, we started focusing on gameplay changes since the last update. In this update, we’d like to introduce a new equipment rarity. Our new equipment tier is called Apocalypse, with its traits increasing damage, increasing non-body shot chances, and reducing damage taken when fighting with high-level walkers. The larger the level gap is, the more effective these traits are.
Apocalyptic Traits are automatically available upon receiving the equipment; no need to unlock/upgrade. The first Apocalyptic Trait is 'Apocalyptic Damage'.

Apocalyptic Damage
Apocalyptic Damage - When attacking enemies that are {0} levels higher than the user, for each further {1} level higher, weapon damage increases by {2}% (up to a maximum of {3}%)
How to obtain
Exact details will be announced later, but:
1. It’s possible to collect tokens later from Last Stand Battles and through Campaigns to get Apocalyptic equipment for free.
2. You can purchase Apocalyptic equipment from our shop directly.
How to unlock and upgrade
In the Workshop tab, there is a new button that shows the available Apocalypse equipment. When you have 200 tokens, you can assemble them.
After that, they are on your normal list of weapons, ready to be upgraded.

The equipment shown in this GIF is not finalized.
Weapon: CRM Trident (Warrior)

Apocalyptic Trait: Apocalyptic Damage
Special functionality: Reaches 2 spaces away and hits in a cone-shaped area. Overwatch attacks force the enemy to end their turn early. Movement Speed is increased by 2 spaces. When you pass a walker, you have a 100% chance to not be attacked. When attacking 2 or more targets, there's a 75% chance to deal +20% weapon damage (including Apocalyptic Weapon Damage) as extra damage (can be amplified by Lucky).
Charge attack is a bonus attack that inflicts guaranteed Critical Hit.
Traits: Silver Lethal, Gold Destructive, Gold Razor
Availability: Collecting the Apocalypse Tokens for this weapon will start at the next Campaign.
Changing Maggie

With the earlier introduction of Heirlooms, our goal is to give a boost to underappreciated heroes. This time, we would like to focus the spotlights on Maggie (Hunter).
Leader Trait 'Harvest Red'
Changes to Maggie's Leader Trait are listed Bold/Italic.
Maggie's kills are worth {x}% more Experience.
When igniting the burning target(s), Maggie has a {y}% chance to scorch the target(s). Scorching lasts {z} turn(s). Scorching causes the target(s) to take +(a)% total HP as additional damage. Additional damage for scorching can stack up to {b} layers.
Leader Trait values

Heirloom: Maggie

We continue adding more Heirlooms to our game, and if you’re still unsure of how to use them, RealScotticus made a neat video explaining things. After Daryl and Rick, it’s time for Maggie to be in our spotlight. Greene’s Family’s Pocket Watch has been in the family for years. The Walking Dead showed us that Hershel gave it to Glenn as a wedding gift to Maggie. Afterwards, it changed owners quite a bit, but nowadays it’s finally in Maggie’s hands.
To use Green Family’s Pocket Watch, you must have unlocked Maggie, Riot Gear Glenn, and Hershel.
Pocket Watch
Has a {x} chance to ignite the target(s). Scorching chance is raised to {y}%. Scorching lasts {z} more turns. Overwatch attack total damage is increased by {a}%.
Special mark
Whenever you scorch enemies, a mark will be shown above the target as listed in the screenshot below. The Scorching symbol fills up according to the amount of layers that are currently in place, while the counter shows the number of turns it's in place.

Heirloom values

Upgrade costs

- A video of Maggie's Heirloom in action will be posted later.
Speed-up Tokens

We’ve released more Speed Up Tokens to decrease your upgrade times! Clicking the speed-up token icon shows its description of what they do. They can be obtained from Survival Passes, Challenges, and Bundles.

While using them, you can ‘shave off’ parts of the remaining waiting time. For example, when you’re healing a character, you can tap multiple healing tokens to get your survivor back up to speed again. See the GIF below.

If you want to check the amount of Speed Up Tokens you have in your Tool Bag, please note that you are able to scroll to the right to see all of them.

Overflow speed-up tokens are converted to gold automatically. The table below shows the amount of Gold you get for it.

Other changes
Survival Pass
You are now able to purchase the Survival Pass using Fair Coins.

Tool Cooldowns
We are experimenting with the cooldown values of certain tools. We are however a bit unsure about this ourselves. It could be possible that we change our mind about this at a later update and bring back the cooldowns to their old values, but for now, we have these two changes.
- Changed the cooldown turns for Medkits from 4 turns to 3 turns.
- Changed the cooldown turns for Gore from 4 turns to 3 turns.
Support values
We hope to make certain Supports more relevant again. For this update, we looked at Dog and Whisperer's Mask.
- Dog: Inflicts Crippled status effect on X closest visible walker(s) for Y turn(s).

- Whisperer’s Mask: Herds X random walkers in the targeted area. The targeted area can be up to Y spaces away.

Hilltop Store

We introduced the webshop last year, and we would like to give you rewards for using it. You can now redeem Hilltop Coins, which you get from each webshop purchase, for various bonus gifts in our new Hilltop Store.
It can be accessed from Shop > Hilltop Store, with 4 sub-stores listed: Consumables Store, Weapon Store, Armor Store, and Skin Exchange Store. More info later.
PC/Mac Settings
The following update is only for the PC/Mac version of the game, which you can currently find on Epic Games Launcher.
In the Settings menu, you can now adjust the following:
- Full screen/Windowed mode
- Frame rate/Vertical sync for 120 FPS and above
- Volume settings
- Resolution ratio adjustments
- You're able to quit the game by pressing Esc
Bug fixes
- Fixed the unactivated overwatch mechanism on human enemies.
- Fixed the issue where walkers could dodge grenades/blast grenades during Plight’s Hard2Aim2 debuff.