December 10, 2024
Doomsday Challenge Explained

Earlier this year we added Plight rounds to our Challenge to help increase TWD: No Man’s Land’s difficulty. We can now announce that those Plight rounds are the end of ‘Normal Challenge’, and a preview of what’s to come after, in Doomsday Challenge.

Doomsday Challenge is a brand-new Challenge mode consisting of 50 rounds per week, heavily increasing gameplay difficulty. You will still be able to play the Challenge you are used to, as well as complete it the way you’re used to if you manage to beat Round 90. 

This newly created ‘Doomsday Challenge’ is for those of you who felt the Normal Challenge wasn’t much of a challenge anymore!

To prepare for Doomsday Challenge, we are giving you the opportunity to level up your heroes and equipment, amongst other things. Have a look at Council Level 32's update notes.

First Doomsday

Starting Wednesday, December 11, 2024, Doomsday Challenge will be a weekly occurrence.

Unlocking Doomsday Challenge

Doomsday Challenge is permanently unlocked the first time you complete 90 rounds of Normal Challenge, starting after Doomsday Challenge's launch; if you managed to beat Round 90 in the past, you have to do it once more to unlock Doomsday Challenge. 

After that, you will see an ‘Enter Doomsday Challenge’ button when entering Challenge (Camp > Missions > Challenge).


Choose your Challenge

Doomsday Challenge is a mode that's separated from Normal Challenge, and it's a mode that actually is a huge challenge to beat.

After having Doomsday Challenge unlocked, the Normal Challenge and Doomsday Challenge are both available, and you can select which Challenge you want to play. You can always enter or quit the current Challenge at any time, without losing your progress.

Get Normal Challenge's rewards

While playing Doomsday Challenge, you can get all the rewards from Normal Challenge by completing Round 10:

  • Completing Round 10 with 4 stars in Doomsday Challenge: When you use the Star Hero of the week and finish 10 rounds with 4 stars, you will get all the rewards from Round 1 to Round 90 of the Normal Challenge when entering Round 11 in Doomsday Challenge, including all 6,210 Challenge Stars from the Normal Challenge.
  • Completing Round 10 with 3 or less stars in Doomsday Challenge: Completing the first 10 rounds without Star Hero but otherwise perfect? Then you will get all the rewards of Round 1 to Round 80 of the Normal challenge when entering Round 11 in Doomsday Challenge. Your Normal Challenge progress will be automatically counted to 4 stars for every round until Round 80.
  • If you made progress in Normal Challenge before hitting Doomsday Challenge Round 10, you will automatically get the remaining rewards and stars from Normal Challenge, based on the current amount of Round Passes.
  • Rewards are listed in a quick, summarized way. You don't have to open a ton of crates.
  • Rewards are only issued once; you won't get extra Normal Challenge rewards at Doomsday Challenge Round 10 if you already completed 90 rounds of Normal Challenge.

Doomsday Challenge rewards

Of course, you also get other rewards while playing Doomsday Challenge. We felt it would be fairer to put the bigger rewards in the Round Completion table, while Doomsday Stars grant you some smaller rewards. Rewards can always change, and if we do so, we will let you know about these changes through a new announcement.

Different from Normal Challenge is that Doomsday Challenge doesn't provide Guild rewards. Doomsday Challenge has been created for those of you who want to experience a new kind of nightmare, and we don't want to motivate competitive Guilds to require their members to enter that nightmare together.

Round Completion


Doomsday Stars


Round Passes

Round Passes for Doomsday Challenge let you skip the corresponding rounds while giving you all available rewards the first time you enter a new Challenge. You will be shown how many rounds you've skipped as well.

Example: if you have 3 Doomsday Round Passes, you will be taken to Round 4. All the skipped rounds are counted as being completed with 4 stars. In total, 10 Doomsday Round Passes can be obtained, bringing you to Round 11, after the earlier explained mark where you get the rewards for Normal Challenge.

Round Passes can be obtained after every 5th round you complete. See the rewards table above.

Extremely difficult

We already said it: Doomsday Challenge is for those of you who felt the Normal Challenge wasn’t much of a challenge anymore. Doomsday Challenge has been created for those of you who want to experience a new kind of nightmare. We are not kidding :). If the apocalypse would ever happen for real, these are the undead guys you don't want to meet.

So yeah, Doomsday Challenge is supposed to be extremely difficult. Periodically, we will even announce difficulty buffs here to keep things as challenging as possible. This is your typical ‘extremely diehard’ mode.

Apocalypse gear

You have been asking for the reason why we added these strong Apocalypse weapons and armors - this is the reason!

Standard debuffs

Doomsday Challenge comes with permanent negative effects: the hero's damage is reduced by 30%, movement range is reduced by 1 space, and damage exceeding 80% of a Walker's maximum health will be reduced by 60%.

Tough Walkers

Be prepared for more Tough Walkers to spawn. Armored Walkers, Tank Walkers, Commonwealth Walkers, and Spikeys are looking forward to creep toward you from the shadows.

Tension + Sanity = Accuracy

You also asked about 'Challenge Sanity' before. It's to counter a Debuff named 'Tension'. The higher the Tension Rate, the lower your team's Accuracy is, meaning that certain attacks could be missed. A 'Tension to Accuracy ratio' cannot be shared, because this is calculated individually per map. Challenge Sanity can be obtained through 'Breakthrough' (updated with this info) on various equipment. You can see your Accuracy on the Hero select screen.



Other Debuffs

Gameplay in Doomsday Challenge gets more difficult each round! You will often receive Debuffs, making gameplay more difficult.

Difficulty Tables

The tables below show you the amount of tough walkers that can spawn during rounds, current Tension rates, and which other Debuffs are coming your way.

The second table is a bit of a big one, so we provided a link to it.



Download the Doomsday Challenge Debuff Table here


Luckily it's not all bad! At certain levels, you have the option to select a Buff to make gameplay easier. Just keep in mind that Debuffs appear more often than Buffs.


Checking buffs/debuffs

You can view your current Buffs and Debuffs both in the Mission Select screen (click the big skull) and during missions (click the hand icon on top).



Doomsday Leaderboard

Doomsday Challenge will have a separate leaderboard, consisting of Current Player Ranking and Global Player Ranking. Players are ranked by their Doomsday Challenge stars, listing the first 100 players. The refresh time aligns with the Normal Challenge’s leaderboard.



As of now, Doomsday Challenges will be played on different Mapsets consisting of a mix of old maps. We aim to have a new Doomsday Mapset with each update to swap them around and offer more variety. Before we can configure it as the new mapset for you to enjoy during a Doomsday Challenge week, we’d like to run some internal tests to prevent any issues.

Specific maps aren't announced upfront, but can be checked in-game once the Challenge starts.

We will update you when a new mapset releases and hope to offer a fair variety of mapsets as soon as possible.

Good luck!

We felt our good luck wishes deserved its own title.


Feb 5 - New mapset
Jan 23 - We aim to have a new Doomsday Mapset with each update to swap them around and offer more variety. Before we can configure it as the new mapset for you to enjoy during a Doomsday Challenge week, we’d like to run some internal tests to prevent any issues.
Dec 18 - Some of you mentioned unannounced debuffs. Our bad! We added 'Standard debuffs'. The info was already available in the Challenge Overview in-game.
Dec 16 - Changed the star amount in Doomsday Challenge Rewards > Doomsday Stars.
Dec 16 - We would like the first 10 rounds to be more approachable. We therefore might adjust the difficulty from time to time. We will let you know when we conclude our difficulty adjustments.

Stay informed on the latest news to increase your chances of survival. Follow us on social media to get information on new content and join the discussion with fellow players on our official Discord server.