Steamy WeatherSteamy Weather
Update Notes
July 29, 2024
Steamy Weather Update

Note: the updates below do not require a downloadable update version of your game. Changes were already made during the last update.

Steam Release


Starting this July 30, Steam is The Walking Dead: No Man's Land's fourth official platform where you can play!

Linking an existing account

It's possible to resume your current account from Steam and switch your gameplay between PC and Mobile! Simply follow the following steps:

  1. [Old device] Go to Settings > Account & Services > Start Linking > This is the Old Device
  2. Copy the code
  3. [Steam] Go to Settings > Account & Services > Start Linking > This is the New Device
  4. Enter the code



Any differences?

The PC versions of TWD: No Man's Land are a tiny bit different from the mobile versions. You can see most of the details below.


Download on Steam

Starting July 30, you can download The Walking Dead: No Man's Land from the Steam page.

Catching up on updates

If you are a new player, starting your TWD: No Man's Land adventures through Steam, you might want to know what we added to the game recently. Below is a summary from last year until now, while new changes for all versions are listed below this block.

Hero changes
Game changes
Join our Discord

We can highly recommend to join our Discord server! You can find community guides on starting strong there, leave feedback and suggestions, and interact with other players!

Weapon: Thundersoul M95 (Hunter)


Apocalyptic Trait

Apocalyptic Body Shot - When attacking enemies that are 5 levels higher than the user, for each further 1 level higher, the chance of normal attack body shots decreases by 3% (up to a maximum of 20%)

Special Functionality

This weapon does not generate walker threat and the hit area is widened by 0.5 meters. Non-body shots have a 60% chance to root the target(s). This can be amplified by Lucky. Charge attack is a bonus attack that inflicts a guaranteed Critical Hit and roots target(s).


Silver Lethal, Golden Lucky, Golden Piercing

Values and/or Traits are possibly subject to change. We will inform you if we adjust any values.

How to get tokens


Weapon: Death Reaper (Scout)


Special functionality

Attacks in a three-space arc, covering the spaces to the front and front-left of the survivor. Overwatch attacks force the enemies to end their turn early. If the wielder attacks before moving, regain an action point. If that action point is used to attack it is a guaranteed Critical Hit. Has a 50% chance to make the walker 'Skinned' for 2 turns, which reduces the walker's dealt damage by 30%. When applying the Skinned status again, the 2 turns will reset (can't be stacked). Has a 50% chance to trigger a 'Ripped' status on the Skinned targets when being attacked, which deals an extra 10% damage of the target's max HP (up to 200% of the user's total damage) and roots the target for 1 turn. Has a unique Charge Attack. The weapon's possibilities can be affected by 'Lucky'.

Charge attack is a bonus attack that reaches two spaces away and hits in a cone-shaped area with a guaranteed Critical Hit. Has a 100% chance to have the target 'Skinned' for 2 turns. When attacking Skinned targets, there is a 100% chance to trigger 'Ripped'.


Silver Lucky, Golden Lethal, Golden Razor

Values and/or Traits are possibly subject to change. We will inform you if we adjust any values.


See Campaign details in this article.

Challenge Reward change

At 5750 Stars, you will now receive 20 Reroll Tokens instead of an Avatar. The other Avatar within Challenge Rewards remains.




Our next Campaign launches on Monday, July 29, and includes the brand new Death Reaper at 2000 Campaign Tokens, and Thundersoul M95 Apocalypse Tokens at 1750 and 3000 Campaign Tokens. Descriptions for the Death Reaper and the Thundersoul M95 can be found above in this article.

Stay informed on the latest news to increase your chances of survival. Follow us on social media to get information on new content and join the discussion with fellow players on our official Discord server.